04.09.2015 Letters Featured Letter: Build a veterans hospital in Calverton To the editor: There is a critical need for a veterans hospital near Calverton and the site of the Enterprise Park at Calverton would be ideal. The Town of...
05.27.2014 Letters Featured Letter: GOP candidates need to grow up To the Editor: I wish the Republican candidates running for 1st Congressional District would show some character and respect for the voters.
12.02.2012 Letters Featured Letter: Will candidates do anything about home heating oil tax? This is an open letter to candidates for 1st legislative district, Sean Walter and Al Krupski. Gentlemen, please tell us “on the record” what you intend to do to...
10.18.2012 Letters Featured Letter: PBS is an investment in our future To the editor: I’m very troubled by what Mitt Romney said regarding Big Bird and PBS television no longer being funded in part by the federal government. I would...