Riverhead Column: Big weekend for benefits
The winners of the “Teen Read Week: Picture It” free raffle are: First place — Alex Liantonio (digital photo frame); second place — Corey Blydenburg (digital photo key chain); and third place — Emma Spear ($10 Best Buy gift card). Congratulations to all and thanks to the Friends of Riverhead Free Library for donating these prizes.
Paulette Sherman from the teen department at RFL visited former Riverhead resident Carolyn Thorenz upstate a few weeks ago and had a great time. Carolyn is very busy at Wallkill Public Library, where she loves her job as a librarian. Paulette mentioned that Carolyn’s home was decorated beautifully for Halloween (as it always was when she lived here), her favorite holiday of the year.
The Riverhead Middle Masques will hold a “BENGO” fundraiser on Friday, Nov. 4, at 7 p.m. for their upcoming musical production of “Grease.” Tickets are $10 for 10 games. Additional games can be purchased before the start of each round. Lots of fantastic prizes will be given away so come and see Pat Skura, Ed Tholl and all those involved with the Middle Masques and support this worthwhile fundraiser.
Riverhead United Methodist Church has been kind enough to allow Jesus Alive, a not-for-profit organization that raises funds to feed the hungry and homeless on Long Island, to present an exciting concert on Saturday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m. featuring the amazing Glorification Singers. The concert is free but an offering will be taken for Maureen’s Haven to help feed the homeless in the upcoming winter months. For more information, call the church at 727-2327.
The Rotary Club of Riverhead will host its annual pancake breakfast on Sunday, Nov. 6, at Polish Hall from 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $8 for children (kids under 3 are free). This fundraiser helps the Rotary support scholarships, the back-to-school backpack program and many other worthwhile charities in Riverhead. Tickets may be purchased in advance from any Riverhead Rotarian or at the door on the day of the event. For more information visit RiverheadRotary.org.
Belated happy anniversary to Arlene and Brad Tuthill, who celebrated 40 years together on Oct. 23. Good wishes to you for many more.
Happy anniversary to Madeleine and Len VanVliet on Nov. 3. Be sure to celebrate.
Happy birthday to Kyle White (who will turn 21), Sarah Halpin (15), Christine Block and Johnathan Muller (26), Nov. 3; Art Thompson, Marge Lawrence, Barbara Vail, Laurie Koplinka and Candido Vazquez (81), Nov. 5; Andrea Hill, Latasha Brunskill, Arianna Brooks (9), Nov. 8; and Claudette Anderson, Erinn Pekar, Devin O’Rourke and Bertha Kulesa (87), Nov. 9. Hope your day is extra special.