Flanders Column: Little League registration coming up Feb. 8
Welcome to halfway through January, friends and neighbors. I know I shouldn’t complain because it hasn’t been that cold but I’m tired of being as cold as I am. Here’s a warm thought to carry you through the rest of January and February: Only 64 more days until spring! I can’t wait for the warmer weather to arrive. I’ll be the first one out dancing in the streets when I wake up and hear that it’s going to be over 65 degrees.
Speaking of dancing, I guess I should start doing more of that in my living room or start walking since I already blew my first New Year’s “Rules to Live By.” Yes, I’ll admit it, I had chocolate for dinner last Saturday night and for breakfast Sunday morning. Rest assured, I do not let my kids eat like that. I cook very healthy dinners and always have fresh fruit, yogurts, whole grain breads, fresh eggs, etc., in the house but if I have some chocolate hidden I’m eating that. A local store had Cadbury bars on sale and I just couldn’t resist. I’m not giving up though. I’ll just finish this last one I’m having for breakfast (Monday) then I’m done. Keep your fingers crossed.
Congratulations to Sally Oliver and Darryl Atkinson, who were engaged on Christmas. Sally’s mom, Barbara Oliver, her Aunt Vicki and all the family are very happy and excited for them. Best wishes to you both.
Debbie and Jim Peterson are proud parents of their boys, and for good reason. Jason attained the rank of Eagle Scout in November. For his project he built six benches and placed them along a walking trail at the Brookhaven Firefighters Museum in Ridge. Justin earned the rank of Eagle Scout in January. For his project he beautified the maintenance entrance at Calverton National Cemetery by adding plantings and a fence. And James Peterson has been named to the dean’s list at Stony Brook University. Congratulations! Kudos to Mom and Dad for raising such wonderful young men.
Happy birthday to Fran Cobb on Jan. 23 from your family and all the crew — me, Laurie, Karen and Renee. We hope you have a great day and we hope you enjoy your birthday weekend. Get ready, girlfriend, we are going out!
Registration for Flanders Little League will be held Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m. at the David Crohan Community Center. Volunteers are also needed to coach or just help out. Please call Wayne Ford at 745-9060 or email him at [email protected] for any questions you may have.
Thanks, everyone, for all the information this week. I look forward to hearing from more of you soon. Take care, drive safe and slow down! You’ll get to where you’re going … and in one piece. No talking or texting while driving either. Have a great weekend.