
Recap: Board talks plans for firehouse, meets on Knightland

liveblog66(Scroll below for a recap of the public portion of today’s work session.)

The Riverhead Town Board is meeting for a public work session this morning in Town Hall.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10 a.m., and board members will be discussing publicly plans for the vacant Second Street firehouse, among other agenda items.

The board will also be meeting behind closed doors in executive session to discuss litigation involving the proposed Knightland project in Wading River.

The town is being sued over Planning Board approvals for the controversial shopping center, and a court order prevented the Town Board from signing off on clearing permits for the project at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Knightland, a 32,500-square-foot complex, received site plan approvals from the town Planning Board in December 2011.

The Riverhead Neighborhood Preservation Cooaltion, a town civic group, filed suit against the town the next day. When that civil suit was thrown out of state Supreme Court, the civic group appealed.

The court’s decision on whether or not to reactivate the suit is expected this fall.

Riverhead News-Review reporter Paul Squire will be reporting live.

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