Riverhead News: ‘Hooked on Phonics’ at Riverhead Free Library
My husband, Joe, remains at Riverhead Care Center for rehab.
As I write this he’s been away from home for 53 days. He’s enjoying the recreational programs, chatting with the residents, making new friends, and working hard on his physical therapy so that he can get stronger and hopefully be home with his family soon. We miss him very much and can’t wait for his return. The nursing staff, aides, physical therapists, maintenance staff, recreational staff, and the food service and administration staff at the center make everything pleasant for the residents and their families. Joe thanks all those who have been visiting him, calling him and sending cards.
Washington Engine Company held its annual installation dinner at the Cooperage Inn Jan. 8. The following officers for 2016-17 are: Henry Ashby, captain; Brian Raynor, 1st Lt.; Seth Conrad, 2nd Lt.; Rob O’Connell, secretary; Tom Lynch, treasurer; and Marvin Warner, assistant secretary. Congratulations to all.
The Riverhead Moose Lodge, 51 Madison St., will be hosting a Mardi Gras dinner dance Saturday, Jan. 23. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and tickets are $25. Dinner will be stuffed pork chops and there will also be entertainment. For tickets and more information, call AnneMarie, 631-766-2727, or the Women of the Moose, 631-779-2694.
A Piano Plus Concert will be held Sunday, Jan. 24, at 2 p.m. at Riverhead Free Library and will feature the Fayette String Trio. A meet-the-artist reception will follow. All are welcome to this free event sponsored by the Friends of Riverhead Free Library.
Did you know that the library has a Hooked on Phonics set available to lend for children in grades K-2? They are designed to give your child a strong foundation in phonics and reading-readiness skills. Check out RFL’s newsletter and see what the library has to offer for people of all ages.
This year marks the library’s 120th anniversary. Be sure to watch for all the special programs that will mark this milestone. Help create a library cookbook for 2017 by sending in one of your favorite recipes to [email protected]. For more information, visit riverheadlibrary.org. Also, shopping bags depicting the 120th anniversary are being sold for $1.20. Fill it with just about anything and give it with love to someone you know or love.
Suffolk County Historical Society is celebrating its 130th anniversary with a special guest speaker. The Honorable Peter Fox Cohalan, Suffolk County historian, will present “The History of Suffolk County and its Ten Founding Towns” Saturday, Jan. 30, at 1 p.m. Light refreshments will be served and admission is free. Please RSVP by Jan. 27 at 631-727-2881, ext. 107. Call soon to reserve as space is limited. Visit suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org to see all the society has to offer our community.
Happy birthday wishes to Bryan Krajewski, Dean Rachubka and Louise Meyer on Jan. 21; Bill Hubbard, Pat Gadzinski and Sebastian Hulse (who turns 9), Jan. 22; Michael Young and Andrew Pekar, Jan. 23; Amy (Wooten) Guecha, Laurie Downs and Adelaide Skop, Jan. 25; Les Grefe and Justin Harris, Jan. 26; Chrissie Reichel, Tim Lessard and Pam Carey (with love from Jim, Josh and Jeremy) on Jan. 27; Marvin Warner on Jan. 28; Jette Grefe, Seth Bishop and Luke Stepnoski on Jan. 29; Ariel Reichel and Ashley Hulse on Jan. 31; Forest Vail, Seth Fruedenberg and Joe Czulada on Feb. 1; Milli Smith on Feb. 2 and Billy Hartmann on Feb. 3.
Happy 63rd wedding anniversary to Robert and Dolly Hartmann on Jan. 30.
Get well wishes to Marlene Iberger, Louise Leja and Nina Campbell.
Top photo: Riverhead Free Library. (Credit: File)
Contact Riverhead columnist Kathy Berezny at 727-6148 at [email protected].