Recap: Skate park fix Ok’d; Jamesport-Aquebogue study moves forward
The Riverhead Town Board informally approved the use of $50,000 to fix and reopen the town skateboard park in Stotzky Park at its work session on Thursday. The skateboard park has been closed indefinitely for more than a year because officials felt it was too dangerous until the repairs can be done .
The town planned to get the $50,000 from recreation fees paid by developers in the subdivision process for the repairs. The town has about $138,000 in recreation fees.
The board also informally decided to have planning consultant Frank Fish comes to a public meeting to discuss the possibility of the town doing a Jamesport/Aquebogue Main Road corridor study, which comes in the wake of several controversial projects in that area. The proposed study would cost about $43,000, officials said.
To read more from Thursday’s meeting, click below to read a recap of News-Review reporter Tim Gannon’s live blog of the meeting.
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