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Two new buildings proposed in Calverton for trade shops or warehousing

Two new buildings are proposed for a vacant parcel just south of the intersection of Edwards Avenue and Route 25 in Calverton. 

An application called EP Equity Holdings Four LLC is seeking to built a 10,466-square-foot building and a 19,082-square-building on a vacant 3.9-acre lot to the south of the former Village Crossroads restaurant, which is now called Electronic Payments.

The application calls for the use of the buildings as being building trade shops and/or warehousing.

About 10 years ago, the site was proposed for a bank and a 24-hour pharmacy, but that project never came to fruition despite being granted a use variance by the town Zoning Board of Appeals. 

The new proposal was discussed by the Riverhead Town Planning Board Thursday, which voted to classify it as a “type one action,” under state environmental review law. That means the town could require an environmental impact study of the project. The Planning Board also voted to initiate a coordinated review of the plan with other agencies, such as the state or county. 

The intersection of state Route 25 and Edwards Avenue has traditionally been congested and local officials have asked the state to do something about it. 

“I think the state is looking to do something at this intersection in the near future,” said Planning Board Chairman Stan Carey at Thursday’s meeting. Although the project does not have frontage on Route 25, planning aide Greg Bergman said the proposal will be referred to the state Department of Transportation as an “interested agency” due to its proximity to Edwards Avenue, for use in future plans for the intersection.

But Mr. Bergman said the proposed uses for the site do not meet the state’s threshold to be considered a significant traffic generator, even if the traffic generated by the adjacent Allied Building Supply store is factored in. 

A subdivision approved by the Planning Board in 2003 requires access to the lots — which include the vacant lot, the lot to Allied Building Supply and the lot that the gas station is on — to be taken by Miller Road, a private road on the site, rather than from Edwards Avenue, although Miller Road connects with Edwards Avenue and the gas station.

Kimberly Judd, the attorney for the applicant, said they don’t have any specific tenants for the property yet.

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