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Town Board to set hearing on five-story building

The Riverhead Town Board is expected to schedule a public hearing on the site plan for a controversial apartment complex near both the Suffolk County Historical Society and the Riverhead Free Library.

The Dec. 7 meeting starts at 2 p.m. 

The application, called 205 Osborn Ave., which is also its address, is for the construction of a five-story, 50-foot tall mixed-use building that includes ground-floor offices, conference rooms and amenity space for residents of the proposed upper-floor apartments.

The application also calls for a total of 38 residential apartment units on the second through fifth floors, as well as a rooftop patio area for use by residents of the building.

The site plan calls for nine two-bedroom units, 25 one-bedroom units, and four studio units. In addition, the apartments will be rented at market rates, according to the developer Greg DeRosa of G2D Development in Huntington, the developer. 

G2D is also currently building a five-story apartment complex at 331 East Main St. in downtown Riverhead. 

The Town Board, on Sept. 21, already issued a “negative declaration” for the Osborn Avenue project, which means no further studies are needed. 

At an Aug 26. Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on a proposal to allow nine zoning variances, a number of speakers opposed the project further, saying it is too big for the property. 

The development is also four parking spaces short of what’s required, showing 35 stalls instead of the required 39. However, officials say it is across the street from a town parking lot that’s rarely at capacity.

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