Southampton Blotter: Shinnecock Hills man arrested for speeding on Flanders Road

A Shinnecock Hills man was arrested for speeding on Flanders Road in Flanders Friday at about 5 a.m., according to Southampton Town police.
The driver, William Hillen, 42, was subsequently charged with driving with a revoked license. Police also discovered that there was an active bench warrant for his arrest.
Mr. Hillen was held on the warrant from Southampton Town Justice Court and was charged with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, a misdemeanor, and several violations of state vehicle and traffic law.
Police said he was driving more than 55 mph and that the unlicensed operation charge was alcohol-related.
• Lucio Amaya Gonzalez, 32, of Riverhead was pulled over an Flanders Road in Flanders early Sunday morning, and was charged with two counts of driving while intoxicated as well as with multiple violations of state vehicle and traffic law.
Those who are named in police reports have not been convicted of any crime or violation. The charges against them may later be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found innocent.