Jamesport community supports couple hit by tragedy

The Jamesport community has galvanized to support a young couple with familial ties to the area following a devastating loss.
Izabella and Wyette, whose last names are being withheld at the family’s request to protect their privacy, lost their first-born child, 6-month-old Jaxon Ryker, who died suddenly in his sleep on Aug. 6.
“Sadly, my youngest granddaughter Bella’s baby Jaxon passed away suddenly,” Mason Haas, former Riverhead Town assessor and Jamesport resident, said via Facebook. “[She] and Wyette are young, loving parents who [are] now dealing with this tragedy. Anything you can do to help them would be greatly appreciated.”
Ashley Paciotti, Jaxon’s great-aunt, and two others started a GoFundMe page titled “Funeral & Memorial Expenses for Baby Jaxon. ” As of Monday evening, $5,693 — more than half the $9,000 goal — had been raised.
“This was all sudden and so soon. Our first concern is just to make sure that he’s able to be laid to rest,” Ms. Paciotti said. “I know that his mom in the future would like to do SIDS awareness and different things like that.
“He was a good baby … always full of laughter and joy,” she added. “He was literally the light of their lives. You know, he could light up any room, he made everybody smile that passed him in the grocery store. Anybody that got to know him fell in love with him immediately.”
Anyone interested in donating to help defray funeral expenses may do so at gofundme.com.