Letters to the Editor: More information needed on EPCAL
Thank you to all
A great big Greek thank you to Tony Spiridakis and everyone who has had their hands in and has supported this new venture at the North Fork Arts Center in Greenport. As a lover of art and performance, and certainly a theater for our beloved community, I am ecstatic. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Katerina Argyros Fortenberry
Baiting Hollow
Looking for more info on EPCAL
I applaud your team in reporting on the serious issue of developing the Enterprise Park at Calverton and its outcomes.
As a humble and active citizen and local resident, I am interested in properly visualizing the proposal and current controversy in order to aid myself and existing and future stakeholders of the future of this property.
From my readings, I have not seen a diagram that provides the overlays of the multiple existing and proposed infrastructures of the ENTIRE region that may be called EPCAL or previously owned by Grumman property.
Would you kindly advise me of a 2023 updated digital online resource that accurately depicts in the form of a colorized map(s) with a key to: existing and proposed infrastructures (energy, water, sanitation, runoff, communications, transport, etc.); contaminated zones (with level of toxicity); existing and proposed zones and owners; areas reserved for environmental conservation.
In addition, I humbly request the if and where of any and all environmental impact reports for any and all proposed projects in the entire property as it exists in 2023.
Kevin Shea