Election Guide 2023: Meet the candidates for Riverhead Town Supervisor

Election Day is Nov. 7. All this week, meet the candidates.
Town Supervisor | 2 years, 6-term limit | SALARY: $115,148
Responsibilities: The Town Supervisor oversees all town departments, from police to planning to personnel; develops and proposes annual budgets; manages projects, operations and services townwide; ensures town compliance with all local, state and federal laws; responds to citizens’ concerns.
Party: Democratic
Hamlet: South Jamesport
Occupation: Re-entry career counselor
Angela De Vito is a Riverhead Town resident of 23 years, a civic activist who has been president of the Greater Jamesport Civic Association for eight years. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in anthropology and geology from Columbia University and earned a master’s degree in public health from the University of Utah Division of Community Medicine. She is a certified workforce development specialist and retired associate director of the SUNYSB LI Occupational and Environmental Health Center.
She is a member of several town committees and agencies, including the Town Anti-Bias Task Force, EPCAL WATCH Coalition, the Riverhead Industrial Development Agency and the town environmental advisory committee.
Pitch: Complete the Comprehensive Plan to prevent overdevelopment, promote smart growth and preserve what residents love about Riverhead. Budget carefully, spend wisely, keep residents safe by increasing police and code enforcement departments.
Explore safe alternative energy sources and technology, plan to protect against flooding and future climate challenges and preserve natural resources.
Hend the EPCAL/Grumman deal, stop the cargo jet port and massive warehouses; and focus on safe and solid revenue for Riverhead.
In her words: “Riverhead cannot solve its problems using the same thinking that created them. It is time for a change in how we run our local government. I bring 23 years’ experience as a civic activist plus decades working as a senior public administrator. My voice has been persistent and consistent, always focused on both the short- and long-term benefits of my actions. Riverhead needs leadership that is capable of tackling tough issues and makes decisions that are for the good and benefit of all.”
Party: Republican, Conservative
Hamlet: Riverhead
Occupation: Riverhead Town councilman
Born and raised in Riverhead, Tim Hubbard graduated from Riverhead High School and attended Suffolk Community College before entering the Suffolk County Police Academy. He is married with five children and five grandchildren. Now retired, Mr. Hubbard served as a Riverhead Town police office for 32 years, rising to the rank of 1st grade detective. He ran the Juvenile Aid Bureau and Police Athletic League during his career. Mr. Hubbard is a former member of the Riverhead Board of Education.
Pitch: Continue the revitalization of downtown Riverhead; develop EPCAL into the economic generator it was meant to be; create living wage jobs so young people can afford to live on Long Island; complete the Transit Oriented Development district in the Railroad Avenue area; use smart growth in conjunction with the soon-to-be completed Comprehensive Plan; use the transfer of development rights program for developers to purchase and preserve the approximately 7,000 acres of farmland, allowing agriculture to continue while limiting massive building projects in the Calverton area; develop a working relationship with the Riverhead Central School District and the Charter School; create a capital fundraising project to assist in the building of a new ambulance headquarters.; create a new Justice Court complex in the old town hall.
In his words: “Riverhead has it all. From beaches to breweries, wineries to marinas. Splish Splash, Long Island Aquarium, soon-to-open Island Water Park and the Peconic Hockey Dome. Beautiful vistas and plenty of shopping. First-class health care at PBMC. We will be the envy of all other towns.”