Blotters: Vehicle damaged by gunshots

A Riverhead man was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment April 17 at about 11:37 a.m.
According to Riverhead police, officers received a 911 call from someone reporting damage to his car in the vicinity of Oakland Drive South. Upon a further investigation, it was determined that several gunshots had been fired at the vehicle, according to police. There were no injuries, officials said.
Police ask that anyone with information about the incident call 1-631-727-4500. All calls will be kept confidential.
• Jennifer Saldana, age and address unavailable, was charged with petit larceny April 17 at Target on Route 58. She was processed at police headquarters processed and released on a desk appearance ticket.
• Luis Barahona, age and address unavailable, was charged with driving while intoxicated May 19 on Osborn Avenue.
• Fred Tessier, age and address unavailable, was charged with DWI April 20 on Peconic Avenue.
• Steven Sugumeli, age and address unavailable, was charged with DWI April 21 on Northville Turnpike.
• Ammauri Eleazer, age and address unavailable, was charged with petit larceny April 18 at Walmart on Route 58 and later released on a desk appearance ticket.
• A Flanders man was charged with driving while intoxicated Saturday morning, April 20, following a crash on Riverside Avenue, according to Southampton Town police.
At about 11:58 p.m. police responded to a one-car motor vehicle crash at 172 Riverside Ave., according to police.
It was determined that Antwon Hayes, 38, was driving in an intoxicated condition and left the roadway, striking a fence.
Mr. Hayes was arrested and charged with misdemeanor DWI, a misdemeanor, and transported to police headquarters in Hampton Bays where he was processed and held for arraignment.
• Andrea Griffin, 53, of Riverhead was charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, consumption of an alcoholic beverage in public, littering and other charges on Flanders Road in Riverside Monday morning.
While on patrol, an officer observed Ms. Griffin in possession of an open container of “Natty Daddy,” an alcoholic beverage.
She then emptied the container and threw it on the ground, according to police.
Ms. Griffin was handcuffed and verbally admitted to being in possession of crack cocaine in her front left pocket, according to police.
Ms. Griffin was arrested, transported to police headquarters processing and released on an appearance ticket.
• Michael Martin, 58, of Montclair, N.J., was charged with first degree DWI early Monday morning on Westhampton Riverhead Road in Northampton. Mr. Martin was involved in an accident in which police said he failed to yield the right-of-way. He was additionally charged with refusal to take a breathalyzer test, failing to yield and failing to successfully perform standard field sobriety tests.
Those who are named in police reports have not been convicted of any crime or violation. The charges against them may later be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found innocent.