07.13.2019 Community Lewis Street formally renamed in memory of Tech. Sgt. Dashan Briggs American flags lined the front of Eli and Rose Briggs’ Riverhead home Saturday morning as family and friends gathered in their front yard. The group then walked a few...
08.30.2018 Government Lewis Street may be permanently renamed in honor of Tech. Sgt. Briggs Residents of Lewis Street will be tasked with deciding whether to permanently rename their road in honor of Tech. Sgt. Dashan Briggs.
05.26.2018 Community Lewis Street named for Tech. Sgt. Dashan Briggs “One thing I always remember about Briggs is that he was totally one-of-a-kind,” Jordan Harden said Saturday at a ceremony for his friend, Techical Sergeant Dashan Briggs, the...
04.26.2018 Government Town to dedicate street in memory of Tech. Sgt. Dashan Briggs The Riverhead Town Board will vote Tuesday to give an honorary destination to Lewis Street for Tech. Sgt. Dashan Briggs, a Riverhead native who died in a helicopter crash...
01.15.2016 Police Cops: Riverhead man mugged in his driveway on Lewis Street Riverhead police are searching for a robbery suspect after a Riverhead man said he was attacked late Thursday while parked in his driveway by an armed man wearing a ski mask.