

I’ve had quite enough of this junky weather. I become cranky, irritable and pretty grumpy when I see people do really dumb things, which seems to happen a lot in this weather. For example, a guy at a gas station parked sideways and took up three spaces and thought nothing of it, even after I asked him to move. Ahh, the heat. I long for October and the smell of wood smoke.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for Baiting Hollow Congregational Church’s annual chicken barbecue and chinese auction, to be held Saturday, Aug. 7, at 5:30 p.m. Cost: $18 for adults; $12 for children under 12. To purchase tickets visit the church’s thrift shop on Thursdays or Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., or call Sandi Mulvaney at 369-4318.

Happy birthday to my co-worker Patti Hautsch, who will celebrate on July 31. Your husband, Rowland, your daughter, Jessica, all your family and friends (butterflies included) and everyone at Dr. Bach’s office wish you a perfect day and send their love to you.

We wish a speedy recovery for Patti’s husband, Rowland. Go ahead, Rowland, be a patient, you deserve to be spoiled.

My sister and I discovered a red and black ant-like creature crawling around our parents’ lawn. Turns out it was a velvet ant, or “cow killer”. It was very large and quite scary. Part of the wasp family, it is not aggressive and don’t cause any damage. The name “cow killer” comes from the sting of the female, which is very painful and is said to be strong enough to kill a cow (a myth, but something to think about). If you happen to see one leave it alone and admire it from afar!

The local tomatoes are so good. Not only are they tasty but they are thriving this year after that nasty blight killed so many plants. Eat your veggies, they are good for you. And keep away from stinging creatures.

Take care, be safe and I shall talk to you next week. Bye.