Aquebogue-Jamesport Column: Congrats to December’s students of the month
I hope you’ve been enjoying all the snow, despite the inconvenience of digging out. The fields covered in white are beautiful. We are keeping up the white lights because they are so pretty in the snow! We almost have all the Christmas decorations down, except the lighted garlands. We keep those up through February as decorative lighting for the dark days of winter.
Congratulations to the Aquebogue students of the month for December: Kindergarten: Freddy Espana, Yamileth Estrada, Jayden Gilliam, Makea Campo, Julia Solarz, Lauren Melvin, Adonay Leon, Aiden Reither, Adelson Maldonado, Donovan Brown, Aidan Eslin, Jayden Labial, Rowan Escobar. First grade: Tiajah Brown, Johnathan Timpone, Alexander Rossi, Jordan Harris, Natalia Radziwonski, Joanna Burkowsky, Catherine Renshaw, Liam Doyle, Cierra Penny, Giavonna Maffetone, Justin Penny, Adriana Paladino, Princesa Jeronimo, Alyssa Tomko. Second grade: Jadyn Polak, Helen Gonzalez-Godoy, Alexa Slasinski, Island Chavez, Madison Toolan, Brandon Ruano, Angelica Salasar, Aidan Griffiths, Jania Chance, Keilana Campo, Roberto Nicolas Gutierrez. Third grade: Sophia Lemus, Anayeli Ortiz, Ingrid Garcia, Michael Purcell, Hanna Morreale, Lauren Kenny, Tucker Woychuk, Aaliyah Chabla, Gina Bassemir, Alexander Meras, Benjamin Cutrone, Kellie Estes, Yigel Cruz-Mendez. Fourth grade: Jacob Moore, Efrain Francisco-Juan, Matthew Moore, Nikita Sipiaguine, Matthew Hubbard, Eve Pittman, Emily Ortiz, Lilly Whitehead, Bryce Losee, Brooke McKay, Cristian Pace, KeShaun Ward.
Best wishes for a happy birthday to Danny Powers, who turned 9 on Dec. 30, and his brother, Tommy Powers, who turned 11 on Jan. 14. Happy birthday from all your friends and family. Also, happy birthday to Willie Riley, the farm manager at Big E. Farm, from all your friends at Martha Clara and Big E. Farm. Willie celebrated his birthday on Jan. 18.
The Spiritual Renewal Center at First Parish Church has added some new features to its website, a Writer’s Page, with submissions from local writers, and an informative Bookstore tab, which lists books that others have found helpful for their spiritual journey. Some of these books are written by well-known and local authors with a spiritual focus. Check out the many community, educational, and supportive activities that are sponsored by the Spiritual Renewal Center. For questions and additional information, call Pastor Dianne Rodriquez at 608-3827.
Thanks to all of you who visit Johanna’s Caring Bridge site. She enjoys hearing from you! Have a beautiful week.