Health Beat: Blood drive at RFL, Older Americans month at Senior Center
• Assemblyman Dan Losquadro (R,C-Shoreham) will host a blood drive at Riverhead Free Library Friday, May 13, 1-6 p.m. Donors must bring a valid photo or signature ID, weigh at least 110 pounds, be at least 16 years old, have had no tattoos within a year and be in good general health. Those under 18 must have parental consent and those 76 or older need a doctor’s note. Call727-0204.
• Riverhead Town’s Senior Center on Shade Tree Lane will host a celebration of Older Americans’ Month on Tuesday, May 17, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., including information on heart-health lifestyles, shopping on a budget, label reading, top 10 nutrition tips and a special presentation of Zumba Gold, the latest exercise craze that combines Latin and international music with a workout. The fee of $3 includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Call 722-4444, ext. 290 or 205.
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