Flanders Column: Southampton Town cleanup begins Nov. 14
Hello, friends and neighbors. Has anyone seen where October has gone? It seems like only yesterday it was just the first of the month, yet here we are at the 20th already. One of my friends on Facebook posted that Christmas was just 74 days away — and that post was from a few weeks ago! It’s now 66 days away. OK, I’ll just drop it for now. But maybe we should start paying attention so that it doesn’t sneak up on us.
Southampton Town’s fall cleanup will begin Nov. 14. For more information, visit southamptontownny.gov and click on “highway department” or call 728-3600. Loose leaves will still be accepted but not brush this time around. Plastic bags will also not be accepted, just biodegradable paper bags.
Last Friday’s RHS alumni reunion at Diggers was a huge success! I had so much fun seeing and talking with everyone. Some people I hadn’t seen in … well, I’m not comfortable revealing how many years it’s been but it’s been a long time. It was great seeing a few friends from my graduating class who weren’t able to make it to our reunion in August because of the storm. Thanks to Dave Flynn and Dana Columbus for coming up with the brilliant idea of just having a “Reunion of Friends” and inviting all Riverhead alumni. What a great night. I danced and laughed and had so much fun. If you weren’t able to make this event, keep your ears open for the next one.
Here is a brief list of winners of Riverhead Country Fair’s pumpkin- and vegetable-decorating/carving contest. There are quite a few names from our area. See if you recognize any. Best of Show, pumpkin: Brianna Semb. Best of Show, vegetable: Katie Dunn. Decorated pumpkins, 4 and under: Peyton LaCombe, Allison Murphy, Sierra Semb; ages 5-6: Abby Rempe, Willy Dzvonar Jr., Aidan Tobin; ages 7-8: Jennifer Anasky, Cameron Seebeck; ages 9-10: Melina Notaro, Ciara Tobin, Hannah O’Neill; ages 11-13: Anastasia Stapon, Lauren Anasky, Joseph Russo; ages 14-18: Brianna Semb, Renee Dunn; adult: Danielle Rowley, Kristina Cervone, Lisa Fritz. Decorated vegetables: 4 and under: Savannah Frankenbach; ages 5-6: Alyssa Benton; ages 7-8: Ryken Kutner, Nicole Davis, Ana Malanga; ages 9-10: Lily Kutner, Ella Malanga; ages 11- 13: Katie Dunn; ages 14-18: Matt Gillan, Pat Gillan. Carved pumpkin and vegetable, ages 5-6: Nevaeh Laird, Sean Donohue; ages 7-8: Katy Donohue; ages 9-10: Shayleigh Tribuzio; ages 11-13: Kyle Donohue; ages 14-18: Laura Dautzenberg. Congratulations to all the winners!
The following people celebrated a birthday on Oct. 19: Fran Johnson (Michael Hubbard’s aunt), Samantha Jaccard and my former neighbor and classmate Carolyn Brower-Kemak. Tammy Mickoliger and Tracy Mickoliger-Flynn celebrate on Oct. 22 and Rebecca Gallo on the 23rd. Happy birthday to everyone! I hope you all have/had a great day!
One of the reasons I enjoy writing this column each week is hearing people tell me that they enjoy reading it. As much as I love to write it, I really need the community’s help putting it together. Please call or email me with any news you’d like to share with the community.
When out and about, please drive safely on our roads, especially Flanders Road, which has seen an increase in traffic since the county started working on C.R. 104. Also, please put your cell phones down while driving.
Thanks everyone. Have a great weekend.