Flanders Column: Resolutions — or rules to live by?
Well, this is it, friends and neighbors, the very last column of 2011. What a great year. I’ve made a bunch of new friends this year by writing this column and I appreciate those of you who sent me news or read what I had to say. I love seeing people out and about who tell me they read the column every week. It’s a good feeling but it also puts a little bit of pressure on me to keep it interesting and fun.
That’s not a problem this week though, I have some news from Phillips Avenue Elementary School, which held its first-ever Family Holiday Night on Dec. 16. More than 350 people attended the event. There were three holiday stations where guests could watch “Frosty the Snowman,” make a craft (thanks to Theresa Curry) or decorate cupcakes (thanks to Patti Horton for the all the supplies and cupcakes). Raffles for a girl’s bicycle and a boy’s bicycle, both with helmets, were donated by Flanders Little League and Fischer Landscaping, respectively. The winners were Kaylah Swann and Aiden Roche. Joyce Anderson won the 50/50 raffle. Thank you to everyone who helped organize or volunteered their time to make this a wonderful evening for all, especially Dr. Hudson, who wore his “I’ll do it” T-shirt, and Principal Rogers, who helped coordinate the event. Also, special thanks to the custodians for setting up/cleaning up and to Ginny and Lily in the office for all their help.
Phillips is hosting a warm winter apparel drive. Gently used or new coats will be collected at the school throughout the cold weather months. New hats and gloves are also being accepted. Please send in your items with your child if he/she attends the school. Those whose children don’t attend Phillips can drop off donations at the school. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Happy 4th birthday to Ethan Linker, who celebrates Dec. 28. Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Pop-Pop and all your family love you very much and hope you had a wonderful time at your party on Dec. 17.
I attended a holiday party with some former co-workers from the county on Dec. 8. Thank you to Trudy McKillop for inviting me. I had a wonderful time catching up with Maureen, Helen, Ceil, Paul and everyone else who I saw every day for two summers back when I was in high school. Everyone looked fabulous and most remembered me. Great times with great people.
You know how some people make resolutions every New Year and usually give up on these resolutions within the first week? Well, this year I’m going to call them “rules to live by” and see how that goes. Some “rules” that I will try to follow are: Rule 1: I will not talk “smack” about anyone. Rule 2: I will not get involved in other people’s business or life unless asked. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? Rule 3: I’m not going to preach to people who don’t want my opinion. My kids are not included. I’m going to preach to them until they are 40. Rule 4: I’m going to stop eating fudge or anything else with the word “chocolate” in it for breakfast — unless it’s a chocolate croissant, in which case that’s OK because of the word croissant, which is a better word than doughnut. My last but most important rule: I will not talk on the phone or text while driving, a rule all should follow year-round.
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all those near and far who read my column. I hope your days are merry and bright and I hope 2012 is an awesome year with no worries and hassles — just happiness, health, joy and maybe a winning lottery ticket for each of you.
Take care, email me with any news you have for January and please don’t drink and drive. See you next year.