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Highway department completes sidewalk project near school

The Riverhead Highway Department completed a new sidewalk with striping and pavement on Cranberry Street in Riverhead — just in time for school to open. 

“Now kids can be on this road safely,” said Highway Superintendent Mike Zaleski. 

Mr. Zaleski said the road has been on his priority list for several years. He recalled seeing kids walking on the narrow road, where school bus tires “were just a couple inches from them.” There was previously no sidewalk on the south part of the road. 

Cranberry Street is the road that connects Roanoke Avenue with North Griffing Avenue, and it’s used by both kids going to and come from school, and drivers looking for shortcuts. 

“It’s finished as of today,” Mr. Zaleski said Thursday. 

He said the project cost about $230,000, and that Dawn Thomas, the town’s community development director, will look for a grant to offset the cost of the project. 

Mr. Zaleski, who took office in January, said Ms. Thomas, deputy town engineer Ken Testa and Councilman Ken Rothwell were all supportive. 

“Everything we did worked,” Mr. Zaleski said. “Even after the heavy rain a few days ago, this road was bone dry.”

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