Two Polish Fairs slated for same weekend this year

The Polish Town Civic Association and the Riverhead Polish Independent Club have events planned for Aug. 17 and 18.
Having pulled out of the event the last three years for various reasons, the Polish Town Civic Association said it’s now ready to revive the annual Polish Town Street Fair this year, according to Kevin Davis, the PTCA’s president.
Meanwhile, Tom Najdzion, president of the Riverhead Polish Town Independent Club, has held smaller events during the time the festival wasn’t happening. He says his organization is also planning to hold a Polish Town event this year.
Both organizations are planning to have their events “We’re talking about two separate entities and two separate events,” said Riverhead Town Supervisor Tim Hubbard at last Thursday’s Town Board work session.
The Polish Town Fair and Festival is run by the Polish Town Civic Association, while the Polish Festival is run by the Riverhead Polish Town Independent Club, which runs Polish Hall.
Mr. Davis is the son of the late Kay Davis, who organized the event for many years. She died in February 2022 at the age of 81.
She was a past president of the Polish Town Civic Association and a chairperson of the festival.
The Polish Town Civic Association was formed in 1985, and the festival was held annually. It was suspended in 2020 due to COVID-19 and hasn’t been held since then.
“There wasn’t a lot of membership left,” Mr. Davis said.
“It was kind of falling by the wayside. We’ve recruited approximately 45 new members. So we want to try to have the fair,” he said.
He added, “It’ll be a little different.”
Mr. Davis said they hope to include more modern Polish bands and offer different types of Polish food. He said they’ve also been working with town highway superintendent Mike Zaleski to put the Polish Eagle back up on many of the street signs in Polish Town.
Can there be two Polish festivals on the same day?
“I don’t know if they want to combine efforts,” Mr. Najdzion said. “We’re still working on our application.”
The civic association’s application was scheduled to be voted on at Tuesday’s Town Board meeting Tuesday.
The PTIC has yet to come up for a vote at the town level.
Mr. Davis said PTCA will be holding a golf tournament fundraiser May 20, at Cherry Creek. Those seeking information can email [email protected].