
Featured Letter: A speedway for motorcycles

A man was airlifted last weekend at the DeLalio Sod Farm. (Credit: Grant Parpan)
A man was airlifted last weekend at the DeLalio Sod Farm. (Credit: Grant Parpan)

To the editor:

With regard to the motorcycle accident that occurred Sunday, June 1: Mill Road in Calverton off Edwards Avenue is used as a speedway for motorcycles. There have been several bad accidents. There are no police patrols, even though all the homeowners have complained.

You literally cannot get out of your driveway without taking your life in your hands. My car has been hit by a motorcycle and I was told it was my fault for leaving my driveway. This is at the end of Calverton and into Brookhaven and I don’t know why no police departments patrol it.

Jan Renier, Calverton