Blotters: A kayak and a raft temporarily lost at sea

At approximately 9:30 a.m. Monday, Riverhead police received a call from a man who said he was on a raft with four other people in Long Island Sound off Reeves Beach and they needed assistance. The man reported they were fishing when the current and wind began blowing them further away from the beach and they could not return to shore.
Riverhead police marine unit and dive team members and the Riverhead Fire Department responded.. A Riverhead police drone spotted the raft approximately two miles offshore. The marine unit reached the raft and transported all five occupants to safety unharmed; the fire department transported the raft back to shore. The raft’s owner received several summons for imprudent operation (for being over capacity) and insufficient safety gear (missing personal flotation devices and anchor).
• In a similar case the same day, Riverhead police, assisted by Suffolk County Police aviation units, were able to locate an overturned kayak and a man in a life jacket in the water nearby, according to police. The 34-year-old man was about a mile north of Reeves Beech, according to police. He was assisted by town marine units and the town fire department, police said.
The man was reported to have been in the water for about 90 minutes. He was taken to Peconic Bay Medical Center by Riverhead ambulance for treatment of hypothermia, according to police.
• On Sunday at approximately 9:55 p.m., Riverhead police received a call from a man saying that he was robbed on Griffing Avenue, near Railroad Avenue in Riverhead.
Police said the caller, a 19-year-old Hispanic Riverhead resident, reported that an unknown white male displayed a knife, demanded money from him and forcibly removed his Oakley sunglasses before fleeing the area on foot.
The victim provided responding officers with a description and Riverhead police officers located and detained a suspect in the area who was positively identified by the victim.
Noah McDermott, 36, who is homeless, was arrested and charged with first-degree robbery.
The investigation remains ongoing. Anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has information pertaining to the case is requested to contact the Riverhead Police Department at 631-727-4500. All calls will be kept confidential.
Southampton Town police reported a number of driving while intoxicated arrests between June 21 and June 25.
On Friday, June 21, at about 5:56 p.m., Southampton Town police arrested Christian Flores Salgado, 28, of Riverhead.
Mr. Flores Salgado was arrested on an active bench warrant for failing to appear in Southampton Town Justice Court. He was transported by the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office to Southampton police headquarters and held overnight for arraignment.
• Fredi Gutama, 39, of Riverhead was arrested for driving without a license Friday on Short Beach Road in North Haven, according to Southampton Town police. Mr. Gutama was failing to dim his high beam lights at an oncoming car, when it was discovered that this his driver’s license was suspended as of May 25, police said. He was charged with second-degree driving without a license and other charges, according to police.
• Jose Anchia, 35, of Hampton Bays was charged with DWI after being pulled over by police for swerving back and forth on Flanders Road Friday, according to police. When pulled over by officers, he showed signs of being intoxicated and did poorly on roadside field sobriety tests, police said.
• Edin Garcia, 21, of Riverhead was charged with DWI Saturday on Flanders Road in Flanders, police said. Mr. Garcia was involved in a car accident and showed signs of being intoxicated when being interviewed by police.
• A Flanders man told Southampton Town police Sunday that personal property was stolen from him. His Van Staal fishing reel and a fishing rod were stolen, police said. The man said he last he saw the items one or two weeks ago, and that none of the people who live with him said they saw it, according to police.
Those who are named in police reports have not been convicted of any crime or violation. The charges against them may later be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found innocent.