
Letters: ‘Boulevards of death’ in Riverhead 

‘Boulevards of death’ in Riverhead 

Riverhead’s treacherous boulevards of death claimed another victim Friday just steps from where the town’s much maligned planners proposed a massive office building in Aquebogue. Aside from the fact that the building is not authorized under the RLC zoning, multiple residents voiced strenuous objections because of dangerous traffic conditions in the area. This death comes after a mother and daughter were mowed down last month just down the street.

We wonder what further tragedies will befall our town if the agritourism proposals championed by patently irresponsible Hubbard and Rothwell come to fruition — that can bring thousands of units on our already over-clogged and dangerous roadways. Bought and paid for by developers, Hubbard and his crony Rothwell are a threat to the safety of our town and people — and the deceitful planners need to be fired and held accountable.

Ron Hariri


What Southold needs is sewers 

As an oyster farmer, a former trustee of Greenport Village and a citizen of Southold, I wholeheartedly endorse the concept of the town expanding the usage of the Community Preservation Fund fund to include protection of our bays. I propose that the Town of Southold use the fund to build a sewer system in one or more of its hamlets.

Water pollution knows no manmade boundaries, yet adversely affects all the citizens of our wonderful peninsula.

A century ago, the far-thinking leaders of Greenport laid pipe and built a sewer system, allowing for high density in this 1-square-mile gem that today boasts the cleanest water in Suffolk County. Without septic tanks leaching into Greenport Harbor, our waters are pristine.

The high density in Greenport makes possible the farms and open vistas for which Southold is renowned. The town should heed the wisdom of our forebears: only effective management of the waste stream will keep the creeks, marshes and bays in the same condition as when Walt Whitman reveled here two centuries ago.

In our era of remote work, people will continue to seek out a life in our fork. That is a tide that will only rise; and yet, there is a finite amount of farmland to preserve.

Greenport has proven that density, clean water and workforce housing, through proper stewardship, can coexist. It’s time for Southold to follow the example of the village where its Town Hall once stood.

Mike Osinski


Your letters policy is ‘so absurd’ 

I read your recent editorial with more than a little bemusement. With out a doubt your editorials have always taken a liberal bent and you know it, so don’t come out like you are some fair and moderate news and editorial source. I’ll go as far as to say some letters you print are done solely to support your left-wing views.

Your stated policy on letters including name-calling is so absurd as to be laughable I just saw you printed one of your many hate Trump letters in which he was called an “obese fraud.” The amount of hate Zeldin letters printed was incredible. The tone of some of the letters in your paper is not conducive to an exchange of views; with all the name-calling and hate you just add to the divisiveness and polarization that has engulfed the political landscape in our country.

I no longer regularly read your paper. I am bombarded all week with national politics and issues I relied on you for local news and views the last thing I want in a local paper is more national news and your slanted, biased editorials regarding it, one example being the near hysterical ranting editorial about the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe, even making the ridiculous inflammatory statement the court could outlaw interracial marriage. Maybe the current problems of failing local newspapers like yours are not just the internet; more you forgot your mission.

Scott Gillespie


Being in print doesn’t make it true 

The letters in this paper are horrifying. I love how so many people can regurgitate what they hear on the mainstream media without having any facts to back it up. Show me where he said he wants to be a dictator. Have they ever actually looked into the claims that their “beloved old man” has made? The man that lied about his education when running for senator, the man who went after his political opponent using tools of the state, the man trying to suppress free speech, the man who doesn’t know where he is half the time. Look up the Trusted News Initiative, which the majority of your news sources subscribe to, and notice the obvious collusion and remarkably same messages that you get. Question your sources.

Trump may be arrogant, but he has this country’s best interest at heart. If you took the time to objectively look at what he did as president (at which time he was never a dictator) — even with all of the lies and vitriol the media said about him — you may be surprised, as it was highly underreported. I will list a few, then maybe you can use your own brain and think for yourself instead of following along with the mindless herd. Here [are] a few examples of accomplishments: The Abraham Accords, no new wars, record high stock market, better access to mental health care for veterans, energy independence, Great American Outdoor Act, increased funding and aid to historically Black colleges and universities, less illegal border crossings, lower inflation.

Here are your beloved candidate’s accomplishments: Mass illegal border crossings, higher prices everywhere, more division, higher unemployment (look into how the numbers are manipulated), billions given to Ukraine vs. $700 per family to the victims of the Maui fires, removing veterans to house illegal immigrants, more crime, the laptop, and if you think he “beat Big Pharma” read the fine print — he didn’t actually do anything. I am sure I have missed more important ones but unless you have your head in the sand, which it seems by these letters that many do, people need to wake up! He is not the monster the media makes him out to be. They go after him because he is exposing the corruption. This is a rare election as we have the opportunity to objectively compare the results of two four-year terms. Which one worked better for you? Which was better for our country? I know my answer.

Jennifer Mannino

This letter was written and submitted for publication before President Biden suspended his campaign for reelection.


They’re hypocrites on birth control 

I find it quite hypocritical that T***p and members of his party (yes, I realize it is both men and women) want to implement an abortion ban and also take away the right to access to birth control. Not being able to have an abortion in the case of incest or rape! Aren’t children suppose to be created from love, not a violent attack on a woman? They want to ensure that the white race continues to procreate! But the GOP wants to cut services that would help women who need it to care for the child/children. Why doesn’t anyone speak of banning Viagra, or similar medicines for men who need help in that area — which, by the way, are mostly men that are up in years. So, if sex should only be for procreating, according to these extreme Christian evangelicals, isn’t it God’s way of saying, “You’re done?” Oh boy, the hypocrisy! What a sad and scary country we have become. Think about your freedoms that you enjoy so much now when you go to the ballot box in November.

Kay Tolan


Biden’s bolt from the blue 

As a longtime history student I am astounded that all of the media, pundits and political leaders are missing the dramatic, quick, legal way to resolve Biden’s candidacy: Biden today should go on national TV and hurl a lightning bolt that, after careful consideration, consultation with doctors, and frank selfassessment of his declining health, he will resign as president. Vice President Harris would then be sworn in an hour later as the 47th president. This will immediately unite the democratic party, draw millions of votes from all those who do not want Trump, and give the nation a clear choice. This bold act will give Joe Biden the hero status he has earned.

Francis Roberts

This letter was written and submitted for publication before President Biden suspended his campaign for reelection.