Tag: Catherine Kent
09.15.2021 News
Riverhead Democrats outline plan to address ‘chronically understaffed’ police department
The Democratic candidates seeking office in November’s election have outlined a “Restore the Riverhead Police Department Plan” to address what they describe as a “chronically understaffed” department suffering from...
05.19.2021 Government
Councilwoman says Town Board must closely examine Triple Five Group’s financial record
The Riverhead Town Board must demand a close examination of Triple Five Group’s financial records in light of reports about the company’s growing financial challenges, according to Councilwoman Catherine...
04.20.2021 Government
Spring Cleanup draws big turnout as volunteers clean up streets, parks and beaches
About 200 volunteers took part in Saturday’s “Spring Cleanup,” picking up litter along approximately 35 streets, parks and beaches in Riverhead Town. Saturday’s turnout exceeded that of two prior...