
Riverhead News-Review’s most read 2024 stories

According to Google Analytics, here are the stories that you clicked on most in 2024. From the numbers, it seems business stories interested readers the most, with the top four having to do with openings, closings and possible expansions.

Up next on the list of topic interest is education with stories number five and six covering both the Riverhead Central School District and the Riverhead Charter School. The Polish Fair proved a big topic for the site, with news on the topic sitting in top-read story positions seven and nine. Rounding out the top 10 list is Aquebogue resident and local attorney Ronald Hariri’s potential $10 million lawsuit against the Town of Riverhead in the number eight spot and finally, in spot number 10, Miguel Dominguez, 13, Riverhead middle schooler whose cool head helped his aunt deliver a baby at home.

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