DSS trailer resident arrested in Amityville Village

A 53-year-old man who was supposed to be living in the sex offender trailer at the Riverside jail was busted in Babylon Town for not registering his new address, officials said.

Carl Graves, who lives in the Department of Social Services’ homeless sex offender trailer in the jail parking lot, was initially arrested by Amityville Village police for drinking in public and they discovered he was wanted by Southampton Town Police for failing to register as a sex offender, according to local police, who said he had failed to report to the trailer since July 16.
He was charged with violating the state sex offender registration act on Dec. 31.
Mr. Graves is considered a Level 2 sex offender on a spectrum in which Level 3 offenders are deemed the most likely to re-offend.
He was convicted of second-degree rape in 2003 in Suffolk County Police jurisdiction, and the victim was a 14-year-old girl, according to the state sex offender registry .
He served one year in jail, according to the registry.