
In Memoriam: Remembering those we lost in 2022

There are a couple of old sayings that sum up our feelings when important people in our lives pass away.

The ranks are thinning, you will hear, as well as that the cemeteries are filled with irreplaceable people. Both statements are true and untrue since every day people pick up a fallen standard. Even though we’re diminished by the deaths of those who have dedicated their unique lives to doing good, there are always others who are ready to replace them, even when we’re sometimes left with an emotional void that will never allow us to feel whole again.

A family mourns loved ones who are gone, and a community also can mourn the loss of people who thinned the ranks through their passing.

The following is a list of obituaries published by the Riverhead News-Review for Riverhead area residents and public figures who died in 2022.

Click on the name of the deceased to read more about their life:


Gudrun Agnes (Hofstad) Abolins

Christine Mary Adelmann

Agnes Alexander

Elizabeth M. Alfano

Lois A. Allen

Joyce O. Anderson

Phyllis D. Anderson-Thomas

Rodney D. Anderson

James F. Angermaier

David M. Antonick

Nancy Gail Aracri

Virginia M. Asip

Frank J. Austria


Concetta M. Balzano

Tina M. Barnes

Joseph L. Barwick

Leslie Bates III

Ruth B. Bennett-Kimble

Steven Berger

Brandon T. Berryman

Victor ‘Vic’ Berthold

Patricia M. Bidwell

Theresa M. Bigart

Jack Birkmier

Robert E. ‘Swede’ Boergesson

Waddie M. Bolling Jr.

Lois E. Borman

Elizabeth A. Brace

Anthony Brown Jr.

Shirley Ann Brown

Glen Brunskill

Brice Edward Bucholz

Elliott J. Bulak

Paul Burns Sr.


Christopher A. Caccese

Louis Caracciolo

Jean Ann Carpenter

Lynda Simmons Carpenter

Gerard S. Case

Angelo Stefano Garcia Cerna

Henrietta Cetas

Donna K. Chabot

Mary M. Christian

Ronald Cichanowicz

Thomas Conway

James P. ‘Jim’ Costello

Elinor Crayton


Anthony D’Alessandro

Kathleen T. D’Angelo

Edward G. Danowski

Elizabeth M. Danowski

Mary C. Darden

Katherine E. Davis

Francis Deegan

James DelGiorno

William ‘Billy’ E. Demetriou

Donald A. Denis

Billy DePetris Sr.

Christine A. DeRicco

Rosaria DeVito

John Philip Dietzel

Kathy Di Pierro

Leo J. DiPierro

Anne Terry Dixon

Joseph E. Doherty

Alice M. Doroski

John B. Doroski

Vera D. Doroski

David E. Doughty

The Rev. Christopher D. Doyle Jr.

Robert Drews

Michael D. Dunn

Ryan L. Dupuis


Dwayne H. Early

Edward J. Erdman

William Watson Esseks

Walter E. Evans

Lois Pike Eyre


Lilia ‘Lily’ Falleti

Helen Elizabeth Farrell

Mary Victoria Farruggia

Denise Feeley-Manarel

Herbert John Feldmann

LeRoy ‘Roy’ Q. Ferry IV

Doris M. Festa

Teresa Fetten

Anita Fishman

Joan A. Flanagan

Russell J. Flanigan

Karen Fleischman

Jill Susan Fogarty

Deborah Ford

Louis A. ‘Lou’ Formica

Gerald L. Fraser Jr.

Joel Frank

Carol Ann Freeman

Kay Freeman


Peter Joseph Gensler

Jane Gibbons

Virginia Rose Gilfillan

Miriam Gilroy

Ralph Graham Glover

Joanne Goerler

Dorothy R. Goff

Helen M. Goff

Carl E. Goss

James F. Grathwohl

John K. Grauer

Gina Greenwood

Robert R. Griemsmann Jr.

Catherine M. Griffin

Timothy G. Griffing Jr.

Alease Grigg

Anthony T. Guarraci


Paul F. Habighorst

Joan Hackal

Erin Ann Hagerty

Corey Hallock

Joan Hallock

Beth Harrison

John W. Harrison

William C. Haupt

Geraldine Hegner

Donald C. Henderson

Joan A. Heppner

Rita Hodun

David Gerald Hommel

Dorothy Joan Horton

Robert ‘Duane’ Horton

Timothy Hough

Barbara Ann Hughes


Delio G. Izzillo


Annie Z. Jackson

Alberta V. Jaeger

Dana Columbus Janis

Mary Frances Jarusiewic

Gary Jayne

Gertrude Jones

Larry Jones

Brunilda Juan


Francis A. Kahn Jr.

Carol Ann Kannwischer

Frances A. Kayton

Barbara Ann Keillor

Robert J. Keller

William J. ‘Danny’ Kennedy

Eileen J. King

Anne Nay Klug

Harold J. Kober

Chester John Kowalski Jr.

John Robert Kowalski Jr.

Margaret Kroleski

Ann T. Krom

Joseph Frank Krukowski

Robert D. Kujawski

Shirley M. Kulesa


Jermaine L. Langhorne

Willie Lee Langhorne

Douglas M. Latney Sr.

Ruth R. Latour

Mamie A. ‘Dolly’ Lawson

Robert Lehmann

Louise P. Leja

Donald F. Lewis

MaryEllen Terkelson L’Hommedieu

Carol Anne Loper

John J. Lovett

Constance Anne Lowe


Albert Mack

Glenn W. Magee

Richard Neil Magill

Patricia M. Malone

Dr. Mario Dominic Mangieri

Catherine Marangas

Clint Marczewski

Mary P. ‘Maureen’ Maroney

Jeanne Patricia Marriner

Audrey V. Martin

Diane Lillian Maseroni

Elinor Murphy May

Linda Ann McCullough

Ronald E. McEvoy

Katherine Rita McGreevy

Raymond H. McKay Jr.

John R. McNulty

Barbara Memola

Gustave M. Merker

Margaret L. Meyer

Mildred C. Meyer

Marsha E. Mickoliger

Jesse L. Miles

Anna L. Montes de Oca

Anita Moran

Joan Morell

Ann Mowdy

Marie Mugno

Suzanne Marie Mulreany

Lorna Jean Musnicki

Ruth M. Myers


Sherrie Netusil-Barta

Kathleen Rowan Neumann

Raymond Frederick Nine

Gary R. Nodine


Elizabeth Obie

Daniel F. O’Connell

Adele Hawkins O’Dell

Richard ‘Richie’ Okula

Betty Jane Oliver

Elaine C. Olsen

Charlotte A. O’Neill


Mary R. Park

Robert M. Patchell

Kimberly Ann Pawlowski

Henry Leo Pazera

Anthony Pedone

Sylvia ‘Sibby’ Vojvoda Penny

Patricia Ann (Kowalski) Perkins

Gracelyn Jane Perkowski

Fred David Perrin

John ‘Jack’ Peters

Vernon W. Petersen

Dorothy Pfalzer

Jeanne C. Pflum

Catherine Pierro

Irving G. Pitman

Denise Plastiras

Debora A. Powell

Elizabeth M. Powers


William H. Quarty Sr.


Joseph Francis Radich

Margaret Radich

Cassandra Paula Randall

Barbara Ann Reeve

Richard ‘Dick’ Conklin Reeve

Mary C. Reichert

James H. ‘Jim’ Rich Jr.

Marjorie K. Richards

Josephine ‘Dolly’ Riviccio

Eugene A. Robinson Sr.

Helen J. Rosenblum

Raymond F. Rossi

Carol J. Rowe

Danielle A. Rowley


Mary Ann (Lesica) Salamay

Donald J. Santagato

Joan A. Saunders

Paul A. Schineller

Alfred W. Schlendorf

Gary E. Schmidt

Rita Ann Schmidt

Carolyn J. Schnebel

Barbara A. Schneider

Helen Mary Schoenthaler

Margaret Serrano

Jane Catherine Shannon

Roxann Elizabeth Shepish

Althea Sidor

Carolyn J. Sidor

Arthur F. Siemerling

John ‘Checkers’ Simchick

Kim W. Simmons

Mary A. Skrezec

Joseph L. Slavonik

Wendy W. Smith

Sister Margaret Smyth

Agnes M. ‘Sis’ Stark

Angelo L. Stavropoulos

Joyce Marie Engelbach Stehle

Robert J. Steiner

Frances J. Stelzer

Theodore ‘Teddy’ Stepnowsky

Marilynn Schade Stewart

Irma Strimban

Alba Sucich

Ronald F. Suden Jr.

Darlene D. Sujecki

Martha W. Sullivan

Alice Jane Summerville

Nancy J. Sweeney

Philip Swotkewicz


Roy E. Taborsky

John H. Talmage

William Francis ‘Bill’ Taylor

Richard Winters Terry Jr.

Renee R. Tetrault

Barbara Toney

Michael A. Travis

Earlene Trent

George W. Trent Jr.

Nellie M. Trimore

Donna Lee Turbush

Leonard Tyre


Elizabeth Ann Andrews Vail

Anne Valkovic

Joseph Van de Wetering

William ‘Bill’ Velys

Peter J. Victoria

Denise Kaelin Voight


John Patrick Walsh

Patricia Marie Walsh

Emma Waskewicz

Louise Waskewicz

Louis Waski Jr.

Bishop Emil Wcela

Lorraine L. Welch

Linda J. Wheeler

Robert J. Wheeler III

Thomas G. Wheeler

Nancy Elizabeth Wickham

Marie P. Wiedler

Bertha A. Wilcenski

Estelle C. Wilczewski

Roman J. Wilinski

Harry E. Wilkinson

Hardges Wilson Sr.

Shirley L. Womack-Benton

Amy Wood

James R. Woodhull Sr.

John M. Wooten

Kathleen Wright

Rosemary T. Wysocki


David E. Yakaboski

Nancy Yakobiszyn


Elizabeth Joan ‘Betty’ Zaleski

Maureen Zappulla

Madelyn Zaweski

Victor Joseph Zupa